List Of Question : Sainik Institute Lucknow
1. ,d oxZ dh Hkqtk 56 gS oxZ dk {kS=Qy crkb;sA
Arm of a square is 56 meter.Find the area of the square?
2. ,d oxZ dk {kS=Qy 3721 m2- gS bl oxZ dk ifjeki crkb;Sa
Area of a square is 3721 m2.Find the perimeter
of the square?
3. ,d oxZ dk ifjeki 144 eh- gS oxZ dk {kS=Qy
Area of the square is 144 meter. Find the area of the
4. ,d oxZ dk fod.kZ 29
Diagonal of a square is 29
the areaof the square?
5. ,d oxZ dk fod.kZ 18 eh- gS bldk {kS=Qy crkb;sA
Diagonal of a square is 18 meter.Find the areaof the square?
6. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ 82 ehVj gS pkSM+kbZ 24 ehVj
gS ml vk;r dk {kS=Qy crkb;sA
Length of a rectangle is 82 meter and width is 24
meter.Find the area of the rectangle?
7. ,d vk;r dk {kS=Qy 1512 ehVj2 ;fn
ml vk;r dh yEckbZ 63ehVj gS rks vk;r dh pkSMkbZ crkb;sa A
Area of a rectangle is 1512 meter2 and the length of that rectangle is 63 meter find the width of that
8. ,d vk;kr dk ifjeki 180 ehVj gS ;fn vk;r dh
pkSMkbZ 42 ehVj gS rks vk;r dh yEckbZ crkb;aaasaaA
Perimeter of a rectangle is 180 meter if the width of that rectangle is
42 meter find the length of that rectangle?
9. ,d vk;r dk {kS=Qy 1728 ehVj2 ;fn
ml vk;r dh yEckbZ 48 ehVj gS rks vk;r dh ifjeki crkb;sa A
Area of a rectangle is 1728 meter2 and the length of that rectangle is 48 meter find the perimeter of that
10. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 16 ehVj
vf/kd gS ;fn vk;r dk ifjeki 196 ehVj2 gS rks vk;r dk {kS=Qy crkb;as
Length of a rectangle is 16 more than its width if the perimeter
of the rectangle is 196 meter2 find the area of the rectangle?
11. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 12 ehVj
vf/kd gS ;fn vk;r dk ifjeki 160 ehVj gS rks vk;r dk {kS=Qy crkb;asaA
Length of the rectangle is 12 meter more than its
width.If the perimeter of the rectangle is 160 meter find the area of the
12. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 8 ehVj
vf/kd gS ;fn vk;r dk ifjeki 180 ehVj gS rks vk;r dk {kS=Qy crkb;asaA
Length of the rectangle is 8 meter more than its width.If
the perimeter of the rectangle is 180 meter find the area of the rectangle?
13. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ o pkSM+kbZ dk vuqikr 5%3 gS
;fn vk;r dk ifjeki 224 ehVj gS rks vk;r dk {kS=Qy crkb;s gSA
Ratio between the length and width of a rectangle is
5:3.If the perimeter of the rectangle is 224 meter.Find the area of the
14. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ o pkSM+kbZ dk vuqikr 3%8 gS
;fn vk;r dk ifjeki 176 ehVj gS rks vk;r dk {kS=Qy crkb;s gSA
Ratio between the length and width of a rectangle is
3:8.If the perimeter of the rectangle is 176 meter.Find the area of the
15. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ o pkSMkbZ dk vuqikr 5%8 gS
;fn vk;r dk {kS=Qy 3240 oxZehVj gS rks vk;r dk ifjeki crkb;sA
Ratio between the length and width of a rectangle is 5:8.If
the area of the rectangle is 3240 meter2.Find the perimeter of the
16. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ o pkSMkbZ dk vuqikr 8%7 gS
;fn vk;r dk {kS=Qy 1400 oxZehVj gS rks vk;r dk ifjeki crkb;sA
Ratio between the length and width of a rectangle is
8:7.If the area of the rectangle is 1400 meter2.Find the perimeter
of the rectangle?
17. ,d k;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSMkbZ dk 2+
vk;r dh yEckbZ o pkSMkbZ dk varj
Length of a rectangle is 2+
of the rectangle is 252 meter.Find the difference between the length and
width of the rectangle?
18. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ dk 5@4 gS ;fn
vk;r dk ifjeki 108 ehVj gSaA yEckbZ o pkSMkbZ ds nqxqus djus ij ml vk;r dk
{kS=Qy fdruk gksxkA
Legnth of a rectangle is 5/4 of its width if the perimete of the
rectangle is 108 meter. find the area of the rectangle if the length and width
is twice than previous?
19. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSMkbZ ls 4 ehVj
vf/kd gS ;fn vk;r dk {kS=Qy 192 ehVj 2 gS rks vk;r dk ifjeki fdruk
Length of the rectangle is 4 meter more than its width.If the area of the rectangle is 192
meter find the perimeter of the rectangle?
20. ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ mldh pkSM+kbZ ls 12 ehVj
vf/kd gS ;fn vk;r dk {kS=Qy 240 ehVj2 gS rks vk;r dk ifjeki crkb;as
Length of a rectangle is 12 more than its width if the
area of the rectangle is 240 meter2 find the area of the perimeter?
21. ,d o`Ùk dk O;kl 42 ehVj gS bl ozr dk {kS=Qy o
ifjf/k crkb;sA
Diameter of a circle is 42 meter.Find the area and
cirumference of the circle
22. ,d o`Ùk dh ifjf/k 176 ehVj gS ml o`Ùk dk
{kS=Qy crkb;sA
Circumference of a circle is 176 meter.find the area of
the circle?
23. ,d o`Ùk dk {kS=Qy 616 ehVj2 gS ml o`Ùk
dk ifjf/k crkb;sA
Area of a circle is 616 meter2. find the
circumference of the circle?
24. ,d o`Ùk dh ifjf/k ,d oxZ ds ifjeki ds cjkcj
gS ;fn o`Ùk dk {kS=Qy 1386 oxZehVj gS rks oxZ dk {kS=Qy crkb;sA
Circumference of a circle is equal to the perimeter of
the square if area of the circle is 1386 meter2 find the area of the
25. ,d oxZ dk ifjeki o`Ùk dh ifjf/k ifjeki ds
cjkcj gS ;fn oxZ dk {kS=Qy 3025 oxZ ehVj gS rks o`Ùk dk O;kl crkb;sA
Circumference of a circle is equal to the perimeter of
the square if area of the square is 3025 meter2 find the diameter of
the square?
26. ,d vk;r dk {kS=Qy oxZ ds {ks=Qy dk 1-8 xq.kk gS vk;r dh yEckbZ bldh pkSMkbZ ls 5
xq.kk gSa oxZ dh Hkwtk dh yEckbZ 20 lseh gS vk;r dk ifjeki crkb,
The area of a rectangle is 1.8 times the area of a
square. The length of the rectangle is 5 times the breadth. The side of the square
is 20 cm. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
27. oxZ dk {ks=Qy o`Ùk ds {ks=Qy dk nqxquk gS
o`Ùk dk {ks=Qy 392 oxZ lseh gS rks oxZ dh Hkwtk dh eki crkb,A
The area of a square is twice the area of a circle. The
area of the circle is 392 sq cm. Find the length of the side of the square.
28. ,d o`r dk {ks=Qy 50 ehVj ifjeki okys vk;r ds
{ks=Qy ds cjkcj gSA vk;r dh yEckbZ pkSM+kbZ ls 3 leh vf/kd gSaAo`r dk O;kl
Area of circle is equal to the area of a rectangle having
perimeter of 50 cm and the length is more than its breadth by 3cm. What is the
diameter of the circle?
29. ,d oxkZdkj IykWV dk {ks=Qy ,d vk;rkdkj IykWV
ds {ks=Qy dk nqxquk gSA vk;rkdkj IykWV dh yEckbZ 36lseh gSA oxkZdkj IYkkWV dk
{ks=Qy 1764 oxZehVj gS vk;rkdkj IykWV dk ifjeki crkb,A
The area of a square plot is twice the area of a
rectangular plot. If the length of
the rectangular plot is 36 m and the area of the square plot is 1764 sq m. What
is the perimeter of the rectangular plot ?
30. ,d oxkZdkj IykWV dk ifjeki ,d vk;rkdkj IykWV
ds ifjeki {ks=Qy dk nqxquk gSA vk;rkdkj IykWV dh yEckbZ 20 lseh gSA oxkZdkj
IYkkWV dk {ks=Qy 484 ehVj2 gS vk;rkdkj IykWV dk {ks=Qy crkb,A
The perimeter of a square plot is twice the perimeter of
the rectangular plot. If the length of the rectangular plot is 20 m and the
area of the square plot is 484 sq m. What is the area of the rectangular plot ?
31. ,d f=Hkwt ds rhuks dks.kks dk vuqikr 5%6%7
gSA lcls NksVs vkSj lcls cMsa dks.k dk ;ksx fdruk gksxkA
The angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 5:6:7. What
is the sum of the smallest and largest angles together?
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