Date : 18 Dec. 2023
1.Which city hosted Khadi Mati Art Festival 2023?
Ans. : Ahemdabad
2.ASEAN India Grassroots Innovation Forum (AIGIF) was launched in which country?
Langkawi, Malaysia
3.On which date, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery is observed?
2 December
4.ASEAN Which Indian city hosted eleventh Bangladesh Book fair 2023?
5.Raas Mahotsav or Raas Leela festival’ is celebrated in which state?
Assam's Majuli
6.Which of the following currencies is used in Argentina?
The peso
7.On which of the following days does Nagaland observe its statehood day?
1 December
8.What is the expected headline inflation in FY2025, according to Morgan Stanley?
9.The ‘International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’ is being observed on :
29 November
10.Who has been appointed as the Additional Independent Director of HDFC Bank?
Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
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