Top Sainik School Coaching in India - Expert Guidance Preamble Of India Imporatnt Question Read Now | Sainik School Coaching

Preamble Of India Imporatnt Question Read Now

Created by Sainik School Class IX Zoom in Military School 22 Nov 2023


Sainik School & Military School Entrance Exam Preparation
Sainik Institute Lucknow

    1. When was the
      Objective Resolution introduced in the constitutent Assembly?          - 13th December, 1946

    2.  Which
      part of the constitution of India declares India as a Secular state?   - Preamble of the constitution

    3. The exact
      meaning of Secular in Indian context                    -
      Equal respect for all religions and no specific associa- tion of the State
      with any religion

    4.  India as
      a Republic refers to?                      -No
      Hereditary Ruler in India (Absence of Monarchy)

    5. How many types
      of Justice is enshrined in the Preamble?   -3
      (Social, Economic and Political)

    6. India adopted
      for which form of Democracy?                       Representative
      Parliamentary Democracy (RPD)

    7. Preamble was
      amended in which year?     1976
      (42nd Amendment Act)

    8. Which words
      were inserted through the 42nd Amendment Act in Preamble?               Socialist, Secular and

    9.  Who
      referred Preamble as the identity card to the Constitution?   - N.A. Palkhiwala

    10. What is meant
      by Sovereignty in Indian context? 
      - Independent authority of State (with no influence of any foreign

    11. The term
      Equality mentioned in the Preamble are supplemented by which articles of
      the Indian Constitution?        -
      Article 14-18 (Part III, Fundamental Rights) Right to Equality and Article
      325-326 (Adult Franchise) Article 39 (DPSP)

    12.  What
      collectively refers to as Distributive Justice?              - Social and Economic Justice [Articles 15, 16,
      39(d), 38(2), 39(b) and 39(c)]

    13.  What form of socialism was
      adopted in India in 1976 via amendment of the Preamble?                              - Democratic


    1. How many
      states and UTs are there in India currently?                      - 28 states and 8 Union Territories

    2.  Maximum number
      of seats reserved for Union Territories in Lok Sabha are?            -20

    3.  When Jammu and
      Kashmir got bifurcated into two separate Union Territories?                      -
      31st October, 2019

    4.  Fazl Ali
      Commission related to the Re-organisation states was constituted in which
      year?                -1953

    5. Which was the
      first state to be formed on the basis of language?                 - Andhra Pradesh

    6.  How many
      states and UTS were formed by the State Reorganisation Commission on 1st
      November, 1956?                            -
      14 states and 6 UTS

    7. In which year Sikkim was
      incorporated as a State?               -
      36th Constitutional Amendment Act,1759

 Prepared By : Dr. Abhishek Yadav

Sainik Institute Lucknow For Sainik School Entrance Exam Preparation

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