1.General Dong Jun, who was recently in news, is the Defence Minister of which country?
[A] China
[B] Taiwan
[C] South Korea
[D] North Korea
Answer: A [China]
2.In comparison to the typical day-night cycle on Earth, how long is the daylight period experienced by astronauts on the International Space Station?
[A] 12 hours
[B] 45 minutes
[C] 1 hour
[D] 3 hours
Answer: B [45 minutes]
3.Which are the primary objects of study for the recently launched XPoSat (X-ray Polarimeter Satellite) by ISRO?
[A] exoplanets
[B] neutron stars and black holes
[C] distant stars and solar systems
[D] asteroids
Answer: B [neutron stars and black holes]
4.India’s longest sea bridge, recently making headlines, connects which two locations?
[A] Bandra and Worli
[B] Sewri and Chirle
[C] Thane and Virar
[D] Vallarpadam and Kochi
Answer: B [Sewri and Chirle ]
5.Which country has recently filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice accusing it of genocide?
[A] Egypt
[B] Qatar
[C] Iran
[D] South Africa
Answer: D [South Africa ]
6.Recently, which oceanographic research vessel of the Indian Navy has embarked on the Sagar Maitri Mission-4 to Oman?
[A] INS Makar
[B] INS Sandhayak
[C] INS Sagardhwani
[D] INS Dhruv
Answer: C [INS Sagardhwani]
7.Which country recently officially launched a digital nomad “workation” visa on January 1, 2024, allowing foreigners to live and work remotely while visiting?
[A] Japan
[B] South Korea
[C] China
[D] Singapore
Answer: B [South Korea]
8.As per RBI’s new policy, what is the maximum dividend commercial banks can pay out based on their net NPA ratios?
[A] 30%
[B] 40%
[C] 50%
[D] 60%
Answer: C [50%]
9.What is the name of the new frog species discovered in Arunachal Pradesh named after the Patkai hills?
[A] Arunchalops patkaiensis
[B] Gracixalus patkaiensis
[C] Rana patkaiensis
[D] Kaloula patkaiensis
Answer: B [Gracixalus patkaiensis]
10.Which global organization recently imposed sanctions on Russia’s largest diamond mining firm Alrosa by adding it to a blacklist?
[A] United Nations
[B] European Union
[C] G7
Answer: B [European Union]
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