Top Sainik School Coaching in India - Expert Guidance Sitting Arrangement Question | Sainik School Coaching

Sitting Arrangement Question

Created by Sainik School Class IX Zoom in Military School 18 Nov 2023

Puzzle based Question :

A Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Que. 1. There are six cities A, B, C, D, E and F.A is not a hill station.B and E are not historical places.D is not an industrial city.A and D are not historical cities.A and B are not alike.
Q. Which two cities are industrial centres?
    (a) A and B         (b) E and F           (c) C and D             (d) B and F           (e) A and D
Q. Which two cities are historical places?
    (a) A and C         (b) B and F           (c) C and F              (d) B and E           (e) A and D
Q. Which two cities are hill stations?
    (a) A and B        (b) C and A           (c) B and D              (d) A and F           (e) None of these
Q. Which city is a hill station and an industrial centre but not a historical place?
    (a) E                    (b)F                       (c) A                          (d) B                       (e) C
Q. Which two cities are neither historical places nor industrial centre ?
    (a) A and B        (b) D and E          (c) F and C              (d) B and D            (e) None of these
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Q1: (b), Q2: (c), Q3: (c), Q4: (a), Q5: (d)
Que. 2. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Five friends P, Q, R. S and T travelled to five different cities of Chennai, Calcutta, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad by five different modes of transport of Bus. Train, Aeroplane, Car and Boat from Mumbai.
(ii) The person who traveled to Delhi did not travel by boat.
(iii) R went to Bangalore by car and Q went to Calcutta by aeroplane.
(iv) S travelled by boat whereas T travelled by train.
(v) Mumbai is not connected by bus to Delhi and Chennai.            
A. Which of the following combinations of person and mode is not correct?
    (a) P — Bus            (b) Q — Aeroplane           (c) R — Car         (d) S — Boat         (e) T — Aeroplane
B. Which of the following combinations is true for S?
    (a) Delhi — Bus         (b) Chennai — Bus          (c) Chennai — Boat          (d) Data inadequate       (e)    None of these
C. Which of the following combinations of place and mode is not correct?
    (a) Delhi — Bus        (b) Calcutta — Aeroplane        (c) Bangalore — Car         (d) Chennai —    Boat    (e) Hyderabad — Bus
D. The person travelling to Delhi went by which of the following modes?
    (a) Bus         (b) Train          (c) Aeroplane          (d) Car            (e) Boat
E. Who among the following travelled to Delhi?
    (a) R        (b) S         (c) T              (d) Data inadequate         (e) None of these
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Q1: (e), Q2: (c), Q3: (a), Q4: (b), Q5: (c)
Que. 3. Seating/ Placing Arrangements
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Six persons A, B, C, D, E, and F are sitting in two rows, three in each.E is not at the end of any row.D is second to the left of F.C, the neighbor of E, is sitting diagonally opposite to D.B is the neighbor of F.
Q. Which of the following is sitting diagonally opposite each other?
    (a) F and C        (b) A and C        (c) D and A      (d) A and F           (e) A and B
Q. Who is facing B?
    (a) A             (b) C             (c) D              (d) E            (e) F
Q. Which of the following are in the same row?
    (a) A and E           (b) E and D             (c) C and B            (d) A and B           (e) C and E
Q. Which of the following is in one of the two rows?
    (a) FBC           (b) CEB          (c) DBF             (d) AEF           (e) ABF
Q. After interchanging seat with E, who will be the neighbors of D in the new position?
    (a) C and A       (b) Only B      (c) F and B           (d) Only A              (e) Only C
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Q1: (d), Q2: (d), Q3: (a), Q4: (c), Q5: (a)
Que. 4.: Comparison Type Questions
There are five friends — Sachin, Kunal, Mohit, Amy and Rohan.Sachin is shorter than Kunal but taller han Rohan.Mohit is the tallest.Anuj is a little shorter than Kunal and little taller than Sachin.
Q. Who is the shortest?
    (a) Rohan              (b) Sachin         (c) Anuj            (d) Kunal            (e) None of these
Q. If they stand in the order of their heights, who will be in the middle?
    (a) Kunal              (b) Rohan            (c) Sachin          (d) Anuj              (e) None of these
Q. If they stand in the order of increasing heights, who will be the second?
    (a) Anuj            (b) Sachin           (c) Rohan              (d) Kunal             (e) None of these
Q. Who is the second tallest?
    (a) Sachin         (b) Kunal           (c) Anuj                (d) Rohan              (e) None of these
Q. Who is taller than Anuj but shorter than Mohit?
    (a) Kunal          (b) Rohan            (c) Sachin            (d) Data inadequate           (e) None of these
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Q1: (a), Q2: (d), Q3: (b), Q4: (b), Q5: (a)
Que. 5.. A team of five members is to be selected. There are five boys namely P, Q, R, S, and T are given and four girls namely W, X, Y, and Z for the selection. There are certain conditions for the selection. They are as follow.P and Z are always together.X and Y are never together . Q and Y are never in the same group.R and T always stay together.X and S are never together.Let us see more Questions
Q. If P and R are the two members of the group than the other members that cannot be in the same group are _______.
    A. Q T Z        B. S T Z        C. T Z W    D. W X T
Q. If the two members of the group are girls and S is one of them, then what will be the other members of the group?
A. W X Q R  B. W X R T  C. W Z P Q  D. W Z R T
Practice Questions
Que. 6. There is a group of people and it has 8 members in it. All of them(P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W) are planning to go for a boat racing. But the main problem is there were only two boats and the conditions were as follows:– There can be a maximum of four people in one boat and maximum of five people in other.
– P will only sit with S but not with W.
– Q and R do not want to sit in the boat with S.
– U wants to sit in the four-sitter boat but with P and T and not with V.
Q. If V and W are sitting in the same four-sitter boat than who will be the other members of the boat?
A) S and T            B) Q and R             C) T and U            D) U and W
Ans: The correct answer is B.
Q. If P and T are in the same boat then who out of the following will not be in that boat?
A) S               B) U                   C) V                        D) All of these
Ans: The correct answer is C.
Q. To determine the seating order which statement out of the given statements in the question is not required?
A) Only 1st             B) 2nd only            C) Only 3rd             D) 4th only
Ans: The correct answer is A.
Practice Questions :
Que. 7. Five friends are seeing a movie together. X is sitting next to Y, P is sitting next to Q, Q is not with R who is on the left end. P is sitting two seats on the right. X is on the right side of Y and R. X and P are sitting together. What is the position of A?
A. Between Y and Q               B. Between X and Y
C. Between P and Q               D. Between P and Y
The answer is D
Que. 8. There are six friends sitting in a circle and facing away from the centre of the circle. Ravi is between Ram and Shyam. Preet is sitting between Ramesh and Mahesh. Ram and Ramesh are sitting opposite to each other. Based on the above information answer the following three questions.
1. Who is to the right of Ram?
A. Ravi                       B. Mahesh
C. Preet                      D. Ramesh
The answer is A
2. Who are neighbours of Ramesh?
A. Ravi and Ram                 B. Preet and Ramesh
C. Preet and Mahesh          D. Shyam and Preet
The answer is D
3. How is opposite to Ravi?
A. Ram                                   B. Mahesh
C. Preet                                  D. Ramesh
The answer is C.
Que. 9. Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I are watching a movie in a theatre sitting in a row facing North. B is at one end of the row. H is seated adjacent to both F and G. C is to the immediate right of D and at the third place to the right of E. A is immediate left of F. F is at the third place to the left of B. Find out:
Que. 10. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seated in a circular table with faces at each other
    C is next to the left of F and G is second to the left of C
    A is seated third to the left of E
    B is between D and E
Que. 11. K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting on a circular dining table for dinner
    Q is not between P and M
    O is neighbour of K and N
    L is second to the left of Q
    P is to the immediate right of K
Que. 12. Eleven friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting in the first row of the stadium watching a football match.
    H is to the immediate left of D and third to the right of I.
    J is the immediate neighbour of A and B and third to the left of G.
    A is the second to the right of E, who is at one of the ends.
    F is sitting next to the right of D and D is second to the right of C.
Que. 13. L, M, N, O and P are sitting on a bench. L is sitting next to M, N is sitting next to O, O is not sitting with P who is on the left end of the bench. N is on the second position from the right. L is to the right of M and O. L and N are sitting together.
Q. In which position L is sitting?
Que. 14. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, & W, eight friends, are seated in a circle facing the middle. V is third to the right of Q & second to the left of R. Q is second to the left of T & immediate right of S. U is between Q & T. P is not at the left of R.
Six girls, Pooja, Qimat, Reeti, Shweta, Tejaswini and Vineeta are sitting around a circular table.
All of them are facing towards the centre of the circle.
Tejaswini is not sitting between Qimat and Shweta but someone else from the group
Pooja sits to the left of Vineeta
Reeti is fourth to the right of Pooja.
Q . Who sits second to right on Vineeta?
Reeti   Pooja   Shweta  Qimat   Either option ‘3’ or ‘4’
Q 12. Who is sitting opposite Reeti?
Shweta  Vineeta Pooja   Tejaswini   Qimat
Q 13. Who sits second to the right of Pooja?
Vineeta Shweta  Reeti   Tejaswini   Qimat
Q 14. Who sits exactly between Shweta and Qimat?
Tejaswini   Vineeta     Pooja       Reeti   None of the Above
Q 15. Who sits second to the left of Pooja?
Reeti   Vineeta     Shweta      Pooja       Tejaswini
Que. 14. In an exhibition seven brands have put up their stalls
Each of these stalls are facing east The seven brands which have put up a stall include: Titan, Biba, Landmark, Adidas, Puma, Zara and Reebok Titan is next to the right of Reebok Reebok is fourth to the right of Landmark Adidas is between Biba and Zara Landmark which is third to the left of Biba, is at one end.
Q 16. Which of the given pairs is correct for the brands displayed at the two ends of the line?
Landmark, Zara      Titan, Zara Landmark, Puma  Puma, Reebok    Reebok, Landmark
Q 17. Which brand is displayed on the immediate right of Titan?
Puma    Reebok      Adidas      Zara    Biba
Q 18. Zara is to the immediate left of _______
Biba    Landmark    Adidas      Puma    Reebok
Q 19. Which brand is being displayed exactly in between Biba and Titan?
Reebok  Landmark    Puma    Zara    Adidas
Q 20. Which brand is being displayed towards the immediate right of Titan?
Adidas  Cannot be Determined    Biba    Puma    Reebok
Q 21. Puma has put up a stall to the immediate right of which brand?
Titan   Zara    Reebok  Puma    Landmark
Que. 15 . Directions : Read the information given below carefully and answer the following questions:
Eleven friends Manish, Nitin, Om, Piyush, Qureshi, Ritesh, Satish, Tarun, Utkarsh, Varun and Wasim are sitting in the first row of the stadium watching a football match.
To the immediate left of Piyush is Tarun and Tarun is third to the right of Utkarsh
Varun is the immediate neighbour of Manish and Nitin and third to the left of Satish
Manish is the second to the right of Qureshi, who is at one of the ends
Ritesh is sitting to the immediate right of Piyush
Om is second to left of Piyush.
Q 22. Who sits third to the right of Satish?
Ritesh  Wasim   Nitin   Tarun   Piyush
Q 23. What is the position of Nitin with respect to Utkarsh?
1.  Immediate Right
2.  Immediate Left
3.  Second to Right
4.  Third to Left
5.  Second to Left
Q 24. Who among the 11 friends is sitting on the extreme right?
1.  Varun
2.  Qureshi
3.  Ritesh
4.  Om
5.  Tarun
Q 25. Who sits exactly in between Piyush and Om?
1.  Tarun
2.  Nitin
3.  Varun
4.  Manish
5.  Wasim
Q 26. Who is third from the left end of the line?
1.  Manish
2.  Wasim
3.  Tarun
4.  Nitin
5.  Om
Q 27. Who is sitting fifth from the right end of the line?
1.  Satish
2.  Utkarsh
3.  Nitin
4.  Manish
5.  Qureshi
Que. 16.  Directions : Study the information given below carefully and then answer the following questions:
Eight friends, namely, Kashish, Anamika, Amrita, Akansha, Trina, Yuvika, Vanshika and Disha are sitting around a circular table and each of them is facing the centre.
Kashish is second to the right of Trina who is the neighbour of Amrita and Vanshika
Akansha is not the neighbour of Kashish
Vanshika is the neighbour of Yuvika
Anamika is not between Akansha and Disha
Disha is not between Yuvika and Akansha
Disha is not an immediate neighbour of Kashish
Q 28. Who is sitting exactly opposite to Anamika?
1.  Kashish
2.  Akansha
3.  Amrita
4.  Trina
5.  Disha
Q 29. How many people sit between Disha and Vanshika?
1.  Two
2.  One
3.  Three
4.  Five
5.  Four
Q 30. Who sits third to the right of Yuvika?
1.  Trina
2.  Amrita
3.  Anamika
4.  Disha
5.  Akansha
Q 31. Who sits exactly in between Akansha and Yuvika?
1.  Kashish
2.  Trina
3.  Anamika
4.  Vanshika
5.  Amrita
Q 32. Who sits on the immediate right of Amrita?
1.  Trina
2.  Disha
3.  Vanshika
4.  Yuvika
5.  Kashish
Que. 18. B, L, M, N, P, and Q are in a row. P and Q are in the center, B and L are at the ends. M is sitting to the left of B. Who is to the right of L?
Que. 19. Five boys are sitting to be photographed. S is to the left of R and to the right of B. M is to the right of R. E is between R and M.
    Who is sitting immediate right to E?  
    Answer- M
    Who is second from the right?    
    Answer- E
Que. 20. Five girls are standing in a line. One of the two girls at extreme end is P and the other is B. A is to the    right of S. C is to the left of the B. What is the position of A from the left?
    Solution – The seating arrangement is as follows.
Que. 21.  If A is taller than B and C is taller than A, E is taller than F but shorter than B than who is the tallest among all?
    1. A                     2. B       3. C                    4. D
Ans: 1) A
Que. 22. In a row of 20 students facing North, R is 9th from the left end. How many students are there between R and S?
    a) 7    b) 8    c) 9    d) 10
Que. 23. There are six persons sitting in a row facing North. A is sitting left to B but right to C. C is stting to the immediate right of F. D is sitting left to F but right to E. Who is sitting in the middle?
    a) D and B  b) A and B  c) F and C  d) E and D
Que. 24.  In a circular arrangement of 7 persons, A is sitting between B and C, D is sitting immediate right of C and E is sitting immediate left of A. Who is sitting between D and F?
    a) A    b) B    c) C    d) E
Que. 25. In a rectangular table, A, B, C, and D are sitting on one side facing E, F, G, and H on the other side. A is opposite to E and B is opposite to F. Who is opposite to D?
    a) G    b) H    c) E    d) F
Que. 25. There are 8 people sitting around a circular table. A is sitting second to the left of B who is third to the left of C. D is sitting between C and E, and F is sitting to the immediate right of E. Who is sitting to the immediate left of D?
    a) B     b) C   c) E     d) F   Answer: a) B
Que. 26. Six friends – A, B, C, D, E, and F – are sitting in a straight line facing North. A is sitting fourth to the left of B and second to the right of F. D is sitting to the immediate left of C, who is not sitting at either of the ends. Who is sitting at the extreme right end of the line?
    a) A    b)  B c)    E   d) F    Answer: d) F
Que. 27. There are nine people – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X – sitting in a circular table facing the center. P is sitting second to the left of S who is third to the left of W. X is sitting to the immediate left of P and to the immediate right of U. Who is sitting exactly between Q and V?
    a) P    b) R     c) S    d) T   Answer: b) R
Que. 28. Seven people – A, B, C, D, E, F, and G – are sitting in a row facing North. A is sitting at one of the ends and D is sitting fifth to the right of A. E is sitting to the immediate right of B who is sitting second to the left of F. Who is sitting second to the left of G?
    a) A    b) B    c) C    d) D    Answer: c) C
Que. 29. In a rectangular table, eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H – are sitting around facing the center. A is sitting opposite to D who is sitting third to the right of B. F is sitting to the immediate right of A and to the immediate left of G. Who is sitting opposite to G?
    a) B    b) C    c) D    d) E    Answer: b) C
Que.30. Six people – P, Q, R, S, T, and U – are sitting in a circular table facing the center. P is sitting third to the left of Q and to the immediate right of T. R is sitting to the immediate left of S who is not sitting next to P. Who is sitting to the immediate right of Q?
    a) R    b) S    c) T     d) U   Answer: c) T
Que. 31.There are five boys. A is more fat than B, and C is more fat than A. D is more fat than E, but thinner than B. Who is the fattest in the group?
1. A                    2. B    3. C                   4. Can’t be determined
Ans: 3) C

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